УДК 631.151
Framudu T.,
Lobastov A. A.,
Korzhov S. I.
Summary The rapid growth of the organic food industry reflects an increased demand for healthier, safer and greener products in the context of growing public concern about the negative effects of traditional agricultural production methods. Concerns include environmental degradation, pesticide residues in food, transgenic food safety, and conventional farming practices. One of the main reasons consumers buy organic products has to do with health and nutrition. Trends in the development of organic farming along the path of development of traditional farming, i.e. concentration, intensification and specialization of production. The concentration of capital in larger companies, the influence of biological norms that turn a social movement into a subculture. sectors of the traditional system, the substitution of permitted resources for prohibited ones, rather than the adoption of a holistic agroecological approach and the polarization of the organic sector between, on the one hand, large specialized companies oriented to the external market. and, on the other hand, small-scale artisanal producers targeting local markets.
Key words: organic production, social problems, health, food.
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