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Bulletin of biotechnology

scientific journal

Ways to improve the technological equipment of food production

УДК 66.01.011

S.V. Shikhalev, A.A. Kushmet

Annotation. The article discusses the main problems of improving the technological equipment of food industry enterprises, the possibility of increasing the energy efficiency of equipment, improving its environmental safety and operational characteristics. Examples of successful solutions implemented in production and promising developments of cooking appliances are given. The designs of a digester with a flexible jacket and an automatic jacket purge system are presented. The design of the flexible jacket avoids the procedure of prolonged purging of the steam cavity of the device, eliminates the loss of heat with the release of steam into the environment and reduces the heating time of the boiler by 14%. The system of automatic sealing of the jacket space controls the concentration of air in the jacket space of the digester, allows you to set the optimal duration of purging the steam cavity, reduce the loss of heat to the environment and ease the working conditions of personnel.

Keywords: food industry, improvement, jacketed cookers.

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