УДК 663.479.1
Gryaznov A.E., Kazachkov K.S., Egorova E.Yu.
Annotation. The review examines classical and modern approaches to the selection of starter cultures of microorganisms in the implementation of the technological process of fermentation kvass production. It is noted that the main species in the fermentation microflora of "live" fermentation kvasses of industrial production are most often yeast – Saccharomyces minor or Saccharomyces cerevisiae. When using combined starter cultures, Lacticaseibacillus paracasei and Acetobacter pasteurianus are added to the wort in addition to yeast. Under conditions of spontaneous fermentation of kvass wort and, much less often, under technologically controlled conditions, the species composition of lactic acid bacteria is much more variable and may include other representatives of the genera Lactobacillus and Streptococcus, including those trapped in the wort from plant raw materials used. Since the specific composition of the starter culture plays a crucial role in the formation of consumer properties of fermented kvass, wellknown technological factors affecting the symbiosis of fermentation microflora are widely used to increase the speed and improve the quality of fermentation of wort.
Keywords: biotechnology, fermentation kvass, fermentation, starter cultures
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